

This includes but is not restricted to Income Tax, TDS (Tax Deducted at Source), GST (Goods and Service Tax) etc. Apart from sourcing and preparing the legal documents and seeing through procedures involved in these, we also provide consultation services with respect to the same.

1. Advisory

At L.B. LADDHA & CO., our Tax Advisory Services will provide you with strategies that profitably incorporate the constantly evolving laws and due procedure that govern taxation in India. Our team of skilled and committed CAs will create custom-made solutions for Tax Litigation and Structuring, Tax Accounting, Business Taxation, Tax Exposures and planning, etc., to suit your specific business and financial needs.

2. Compliance

For any business to thrive, it is primarily imperative that it complies with the relevant laws applicable to them. We provide clients with Tax Compliance services which involve ensuring and assessing the various facets of taxation laws and regulations; that corresponds to the business or individual at hand. Coordinating taxation activities, reviewing computations, handling, documentation and tax registration, keeping channels of communication open and clear are all part of the Tax Compliance Services we offer to our clients. This practice ensures that there are no undue penalties, defaults or oversights. We aim at minimising the risks & maximising the benefits.